28 November 2023
IMMAGINA Practical Workshop - RiboLace Riboseq Gel Free - Winter Edition

We are excited to announce our Immagina Winter Practical Workshop, taking place February 26 – March 5, 2024, in our application lab in Pergine, Italy. Participants are invited to bring 6 samples to process alongside one of our technical scientists. All aspects of the wet lab procedure and an outline of data analysis strategies will be covered (see Attachment 2).
If you are interested in participating in this immersive technical training, please fill the participation intention form here. Please send your interest to participate before January 10th 2024. Please note that number of participants is limited.
The cost of the workshop (see Attachment 3) includes the wet and dry lab training mentioned above, all reagents required for sample processing, in-depth discussions with our founder and technical team, all lunches, and a social event with the group. Travel costs and evening meals are not included and will be covered by the participant.
Onsite accommodation in our student guesthouse is available free of charge for the first 3 registered participants (details in the attachment). Offsite accommodation can also be arranged for a minimal fee. We also offer a range of additional services should participants wish to continue their project further:
- Sequencing of RiboSeq libraries generated during the workshop
- Basic analysis of RiboSeq data
- Translation efficiency calculation (RNAseq libraries will be generated from your samples in parallel)